This page is a Secondary Blog, "Galactic Revelatory Art", to my Master Portfolio blog here ( The =O> Stone discovery, deciphered):

Do visit that blog for an extensive collection of images of the =O> Stone. Meanwhile here are a couple of compilation shots of the =O> Stone -

These images have artistic merit. Please don't reproduce them for monetary gain without my consent. For historical record, give me credit as: Narrowband high-pass filtering expert, Paul R Jacobs, and share my (this) blog address if allowed.

UNWUH9 is Universal Narrowband, Whole page, Un-isolated, High-pass filtering in 9 steps.
It is not: AI, CGI, or Pareidolia. UNWUH9 is to what you are seeing, what a metal detector or an X-ray is. It's a tool. Like all tools it requires training and practice, but once learned it can become a valuable asset to exploration. 

Fortunately UNWUH9 does not require specialized software. It can be done using  GNU Image Manipulation Program " GIMP" ( free shareware, but highly sophisticated), and  LunaPic ( free to use online). The most important thing to understand is that this is not drawing software. There is no art going on here, except that which is revealed. UNWUH9 is a brand new way to do this. If you need clarification about "manipulation", the only thing manipulated is removal of the distortion that surrounds the image, and it is done "Whole page at once".

There is no selective editing in UNWUH9. If an area needs special attention it is copied from the frame, made into it's own subframe image, and presented beside the main image, but never put back in the main image. 

UNWUH9 is a formulaic process with 1knd the Standard Deviation is set to the lower end of the scale. In GIMP it is Enhance heading > Filter > High Pass Filter = Contrast maximum Std Dev near lowest.

This is a basic primer as to what separates UNWUH9 from other imaging methods, as it is rather unorthodox to use a high-pass filter in this manner. Further along I share all nine steps of UNWUH9.


     Ghost Nebula (IC 63 & IC59) & Gamma Cassiopeiae star 

Be sure to visit the above link either now or afterward. The =O> Stone is mind blowing and gives tactile validity to everything else...or does it? Perhaps the reverse is true. Treat this page as you would any art museum. And Visit often. :-) 

[Feel free to skip the text, a.k.a. "tour guide", and go straight to the exhibits. Allow your eyes to adjust look at different distances from the screen. CENTER SCREEN W/ GREY BAR (at bottom).

                   The =O> Stone I found on the 100+ year old driveway of my SE Ohio, USA residence April 14, 2021. 

Bear with me this is a quick, but necessary read.

                Galactic Revelatory Art                              
By Paul R Jacobs, 7-7-2022   

UNWUH9  is an acronym for  Universal 9 step noninvasive, un-isolated, whole page high pass filtering technique. 

"When I discovered UNWUH9 I had no idea how to interpret these images. Ultimately I realized after seeing 50-60 reveals the cumulative effect was that they actually had a grounding effect. Similar to regular healthy night dreaming. It's the purge of the chaos in our daily existence. The eyes take in everything. 

People will attach deeper meaning, and that's okay. We also interpret our dreams. That's not to say it doesn't have more value than a dream, but it might have's not your personal night dream. It makes for incredible art! " - Paul R Jacobs  September 7, 2022

I'm not the artist, but with this method I'm able to optically hone in on the wondrous works with a narrow band pass filter. The more one does the better one gets. So hopefully I can present these great works in their best possible light. There is plenty of room for personal touches while being completely noninvasive.

At the bottom of the page are three examples with all of the UNWUH9 universal settings listed. The first example will show you the progression of how UNWUH9 develops. With practice you can try your own hand at Galactic Revelatory Art ! The more you do, the more you may find yourself internalizing the same types of philosophical cognitive dissonance that an archeologist might become troubled by. Take a break. Do some reading about it. 

UNWUH9 is imaging technique I developed to decipher the tiny macro size photographs on the anomalous =O> Stone I found
on my South East Ohio driveway April 14, 2021.[at link above]

For serious business inquiry LEAVE COMMENT BELOW, FACEBOOK MESSENGER Paul Jacobs                                                                                           my phone is 740-716-1259 Paul lv.text+ voice mssg

                  --------VIEWING TIPS-------------
 -Note, seek out the largest screen you can view on.  

-Center with the grey bar at the bottom of screen.                    << IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII >> 

- 'Right click' on any image and click (top choice)- "open link in new tab". This shows the image in it's full screen, spectacularly vivid view!

                                                                Dedicated to:

                         "Artists Unknown "

    The universe is not without humor...

Interruption...BREAKING NEWS... 
It is Feb. 29th 2024 'Leap year' and I want to share a new finding. I try dearly to separate the eternity of space from current events here on Earth, but it's all intertwined you will discover. 
You'll be hearing the term 'Transhumanism' being thrown around in the news. It is not to be confused with identity politics, but rather Transhumanism is a stark contrast to that which makes us human altogether. Transhumanism is not science fiction, but very real. I'll leave you to do your own research and I can find a few videos you can watch and post here. For now I want to share with you my most recent UNWUH9 image. I am going to post a lower resolution image as a key to go by for the one next to it. I am then going to post just the image in full resolution. View it on as large a screen as possible. Preferably 42" or more. Regardless, just scroll the enlarged image on a smaller screen if you have to. However, the giant image on the screen will allow you to see the entire message...yes, there is a message. Once you learn about the "Post Humanist Agenda" the image will become ingrained as a warning to us all.


So there you have it, a glimpse of where we are facing in the 21st Century with the "post human agenda". You will likely be as bewildered as me or anyone else with a pulse when you discover that the "Post Human" requires deleting x number of humans! Something to think about...

Here is another UNWUH9 render that is surrealistically familiar. You'll recognize the characters. George Floyd and Officer Chauvin . You'll see "Climate running away"...oh' my what is going on here? This is pretty heavy stuff, what do you make of it? Do share your thoughts 


 Orion Nebula as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam.UNWUH9 by myself, Paul R Jacobs

I developed 9 universal steps to attain the most  heightened sentient level of artistic expression. UNWUH9 can be broken down into three stages. 

The top three images owes homage to the photographer first. It doesn't matter how much artist coloration has been added, as the first few steps of UNWUH9 strip back the image to it's mostly greyscale state. 


Photographs from most, if not all varieties of telescopes are excellent sources for UNWUH9 reveals. Hubble Space Telescope images are very wonderful! Besides being a nearly unlimited resource, they can be freely used for unobstructed financial profits as well. One should exercise basic users ethics similar to how one uses public domain images, music, etc.. Citing the resource is actually a positive thing because it gives the viewer a point of reference. I do hope the James Webb Space Telescope departments offer the same free use policies. 

UNWUH9 is the door to true miraculous phenomena. Regardless of ones beliefs we all can share in this reality; A miraculous occurrence beyond reach. Sentient placed...created!! HOW HOW HOW? One thing is certain. This is heavenly artistic and story telling. Looking at a crime scene below, always give your eyes time to acclimate to the scene/ collage and keep in mind what stands out initially might very well end up being sub-dominate to what you see later. 


It's not uncommon for me to 'whole-page-at -once, non-selectively' adjust [2 of the Universal rules of UNWUH9] an image, see one or two sentient beings. All human here in this example! A crime scene. Women, an officer, a B&W scene...a pilot or cyclist ( see white helmet lower left below main scene...

 let's flip it over 180 degrees!  Lean back a little...Ah' these look a might bit more 'forsaken'.

Orion Nebula PR Jacobs quick high pass filter...some day I'll spend more time on it.  1.0 6-11-22 

NOV. 8, 2022 Pleiades Star Cluster  

MY FIRST GLIMPS OF HUMANS in NEBULA NGC 2014! The female pilot is visible before using UNWUH9...  (she is in orange jump suit, very bottom, center)

Notice her in the lower part of blue in the main red nebula body. 

This is an instance of one of my early busy diagrams.... I'm still trying to find an appealing way of indicating "Flip image over 180 degrees". It's been about a year since I rendered this and so maybe it would be a good time to make a more professional go at it. Not too polished though. 

A small child holding a scary mask, and being gently nudged by the giant finger from above. I call it "Courage". 


...My source reveal, the RUNNING MAN NEBULA- NGC 1977. This nebula is very prolific!

 Image, NGC 1977 'Running Man' Nebula. From Hubble Space Telescope. Note, UNWUH9 work is not affected by the various artistic color choices of the previous technician. Like here from "Art of pix". Unwuh9 filters it all out anyway.

 James Webb Space Telescope Breakthrough Lens Arrangements.
The 1st Step of UNWUH9 reveals a far more than ever before!

                       green tinted image ^^^
Now notice now how the same image below, but with a 'blue tint', tends to make the same image appear 'commercial like', which is a negative trait when dealing with imagery such as this. Never do you want the viewer to get the impression something is fake!

blue tinted image vvv

From my UNWUH9 render of  'The Battle of Los Angeles". Look on my =O> Stone blog (link at top or bottom of this page). I consider this to be a good perception test. If you see 1 distinct image you are average. 2 above average, and if you see all 3 distinct images you are rocking! (Hint, one of the images is always present beside either of the remaining two).

Come on, you can do it,  take 5 min break and try again. Remember... 2nd viewing vision?

SPEAKING OF ROCKING: The Battle of Los Angeles is the third studio album by American rock band Rage Against the Machine, released by Epic Records on November 2, 1999.

Also, there have been a few movies about it, incl. 2011 'mockbuster' recently posted on Youtube. Teen geared audience. Lots of machine guns shooting laser equipped alien craft.

Battle of Los Angeles (Attack: L.A.) | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi | Alien Invasion 

Oh well, after all of that I might as well show you my render. It is the second UFO image I ever rendered. It's a cool memorable old image, how could I resist. Besides you'll get a glimpse of what's on the stone. As there is a major correlation. Physical evidence! Here is the image I sent to the LAPD cold case department. Tongue in cheek...teen geared audience. Eh' maybe NC-17.

And now back to some normal UNWUH9 subjects...yeah right. lol

Remember the 'Magic Genie Lamp' at the very beginning? The last wish is to destroy the genie. 10/4/2022

    Ghost Nebula (IC 63 & IC59) & Gamma Cassiopeiae star 

39 million light years away is an image, this image, with a piece of historical evidence from 1965.
This is the 9 steps of  UNWUH9. 
 The B54 Mod 2 started production in June 1965. The weapon was the same size as previous mods but now weighed 70 pounds (32 kg).[2]

The yield is estimated to be 10 to 1,000 tons of TNT (42 to 4,184 GJ).

A first! A full color image from seemingly nothing! Notice the astronaut on the unique round treadmill. Really really bizarre. And from a cloud pic!

If you like the images above you can use this as a guide to make your own. The numbers on the first three steps (marked in green) are essentially the constants that you begin every reveal with. After those are six steps that are important to conduct in the order listed, but this is where using your eye will come in the most.- Good luck!

THE TOOLS, click the links-

GIMP Image share ware   [you download, free, it's 250megs]
Lunapic online image shareware  [you just use online]

JWST - II ZW 96 DECEMBER 1st,2022

Thanks! I'll update with new images often. By all means, post your own work. You can also put Dropbox links of highest definition possible files and I'll put your work in the main archive above. Or just put an image in the comment and I'll enlarge it. -Paul 8/29/22

If you haven't seen the many images on The =O> Stone yet then check them out here-

To be continued, and remember I often put new stuff anywhere in the blog it fits best. Check out this great video!


  1. Now see how it all began, April 14th, 2021. When I picked up a random stone from my South East Ohio driveway, saw it was nothing and pitched it forward 15 or so feet. It would've been much farther, but I was on crutches from having had foot surgery five weeks earlier. Being on crutches had much to do with my extra attentiveness to look down at ground. So I was able to notice where the stone landed as I lunged forward on the crutches. And there it was, right next to the nothing stone, staring right at me... =O>....=O>... Main blog,

  2. Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting and sharing my blog. Here are 15 High Definition files of some of my favorite UNWUH9 renders of the the past year. , as well as the specific Horsehead Nebula for my friend Allison, here ( plus a few more). [ Note, if they happen to be expired let me know exactly the image(s) you want and I will
    re-upload and post the link. Here is my Facebook link. I read it daily so will be sure to see it [unless I've been banned lol],


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