
This page is a Secondary Blog, "Galactic Revelatory Art", to my Master Portfolio blog here ( The =O> Stone discovery, deciphered): These images have artistic merit. Please don't reproduce them for monetary gain without my consent. For historical record, give me credit as: Narrowband high-pass filtering expert, Paul R Jacobs , and share my (this) blog address if allowed. UNWUH9 is Universal Narrowband, Whole page, Un-isolated, High-pass filtering in 9 steps. It is not: AI, CGI, or Pareidolia. UNWUH9 is to what you are seeing, what a metal detector or an X-ray is. It's a tool. Like all tools it requires training and practice, but once learned it can become a valuable asset to exploration.  Fortunately UNWUH9 does not require specialized software. It can be done using   GNU Image Manipulation Program   " GIMP" ( free shareware, but highly sophisticated), and   LunaPic